Listening comprehension can be tricky to target, as it can be taught many different ways to a variety of learners. Compiling a library of listening comprehension resources can make the job easier. Follow along for list of no-prep listening comprehension activities to download and use throughout the year.

Comprehension Task Cards
I love using these task cards because they are easy to use and transport around my building. The cards have real pictures, which is always more fun for students to look at. I also appreciate that each set has three levels so I can use this resource with any learner. The cards include a sentence, a wh- question, and answer options that are given three different ways for different levels of support. This resource can be downloaded and printed as well as used digitally. Using the printed version of the cards, my students enjoy using clothes pins, magnets, or mini erasers to select their answers.
Leveled Comprehension Bundle
This leveled comprehension bundle is perfect for all levels of learners. Students can read or listen to the short passage and answer wh- questions. The pictures are black and white so students can color the correct answer. Each page can be printed and assigned as homework easily. This is a great resource to laminate and keep in a binder for easy access.
Simple Comprehension Packet
Another versatile resource available is this simple sentence comprehension packet. There is a packet for every month with passages that are relevant to the current season. Each packet includes an example lesson progression for the week and a new passage with activities for each week. I love that this resource includes vocabulary and visual supports. There are three level options to cater to learners with different support needs. There is so much included in this resource, making it one of my favorites!
Free Resources
- ReadWorks is a free site that includes both fiction and nonfiction texts about thousands of different topics. Each text has comprehension questions and vocabulary available following the reading. The site provides texts for every grade level.
- Vooks has animated storybooks that my students love. There are always wh- questions you can ask during and/or after watching these videos. The videos vary in length and topic, which can make for perfect story retell opportunities as well.
- This free wh- question visual is always available for students when I am teaching comprehension.