I just completed my FIRST DAY at a new school! I loved meeting my new kiddos and am overwhelmed with getting to know ALL of the new names of staff at this HUGE school! So much fun getting to meet new people!
My paras were so excited to see the kids SO ENGAGED all day today! We were working on basic skills and easy tasks to get them used to the schedule and classroom systems. My students LOVED my independent task box system– especially the math boxes!
Math is a tough subject for a lot of kids. A lot of my kids struggle with writing and math worksheets just make math UNBEARABLE. Not to mention the constant erasing makes me cringe, worksheets have FAR too many problems on a page and the space to write is SO SMALL. BUT my kids can complete these skills- so why work on writing at the same time?
I do a lot of hands on activities for math in my classroom. Keeping students engaged and excited to learn is easy when the WAY they complete the tasks is new and hands on.
Here is some of the activities I do in my classroom!
Coins are an awesome task to target in task boxes- kids just clip with a clothespin the correct answer- and you can check their work later. In my coins task box bundle you can grab all the basic skills- coin ID, coin matching, counting single coins, and counting a variety of coins!
TIME! I dreaded learning to tell time as a kid- but mostly because my teacher called on us to read a paper clock in front of the class- if I had this hands on task box I would probably think differently! Grab it in HOUR and HALF HOUR.
1:1 correspondence is a HUGE target in most special education classrooms- these bees are TOO CUTE for back to school!
For higher level skills and older students- my FAVORITE skill to work on is the dollar up method. My Dollar up Diner unit uses FOOD to teach this skills- if that doesn’t motivate them nothing will 🙂
Get your students off on the right foot this year with these math resources! Check out some other math resources available in my TPT store HERE! Good luck!