Looking for new websites to use in your speech and language sessions? Look no further! Websites are great for when you are on the go and have no time to prepare an activity. The free websites listed below make targeting speech and language fun and easy for SLPs!
Baamboozle.com offers hundreds of pre-made articulation and language games for free. The free version allows multiple players to participate in a “basic” game to win points. My students love the free version just as much as the paid version! There is a paid version, which offers different game modes. The paid version also allows you to create your own game sets and edit other people’s games.
FreeSLP YouTube and website has every articulation resource you could possibly want. The YouTube channel has great videos to use for learners to practice their sounds and keep sessions interesting. Their website offers tips for SLPs, flashcards, virtual materials, and games. FreeSLP is a recent find and has been a lifesaver for my more challenging sessions. FreeSLP also has fantastic printable items to send home for speech homework.
Create your own free resource library on Boomcards.com. Through the website and Teachers Pay Teachers, there are tons of free Boomcard games and activities for speech and language that can be added to your Boomcard account. The website makes it easy to organize your downloads and use at a moments notice.
Vooks.com is a completely free site for educators with hundreds of animated storybooks. These are great to use to target expressive and receptive language goals. I use Vooks to work on narrative story retell goals, answering comprehension questions, vocabulary expansion, and grammar. Vooks makes it easy and fun. My students love watching the animation and I love that I can target so many goals without preparation!