I went right to the source to find the BEST Back to School hacks for special education teachers- my Simply Special Community facebook group (click here to join!)

These are little tips you might not have thought of in a quick and easy list to read and start implementing. Enjoy!
- I put all of my IEP due dates on my calendar at the start of the year as well as a reminder 30 days prior. – Erin
- Using rolling bookshelves and movable whiteboards as dividers. -Brittinae
- Use packing tape on board maker cards rather than lamination. Backed them with cardstock or cardboard for kids with motor issues who crushed them. – Cloud
- Keep a notebook available with an IEP checklist. – Cindy
- Hanging jewelry organizers for icons. I also use one for my independent work system numbers. – Jenny
- Put data sheets where data is being taken. Naming days of the week? By the morning meeting calendar. Brushing teeth? In the bathroom etc – Deb
- Invest in relationships with staff, kids, and parents. Payback is huge. – Erin
- Number the backs of the visual schedule cards so it’s easy to reset for the next day. – Alicia
- I number the backs of my puzzle pieces so i can easily sort them if they get mixed together. – Erin
- I use binders to organize my icons and I organize them by categories and the different binders by use. So all my calendar icons are in one binder, schedule pieces in another, etc…- Danielle
- I have an emotion wall, they can pull the emotion card off, and on the back are tips and tricks to help with the emotion. They can choose one to help them. Works great for identifying emotions and regulation skills. – Samantha
Want more hacks? Click here for a list of hacks from the SSE blogger team!
Which tips do you have that you could add to the next list of hacks? Leave them in the comments so I can add them!