Routines are vital to the special education classroom…. well any classroom really! Structured classroom routines have many benefits, but the best one is reducing behaviors. When students know what to expect, like with a predictable routine, the day becomes less stressful. This is a huge win for everyone!
The structured classroom starts off on the right foot with a solid morning routine. (I walk you through my morning routine here) I start the First 10 Days of school off with routine teaching. Yes, for the first 10 days of school I mainly teach ONLY routines and structure. This sets everyone off on the right foot and puts expectations in place.
These routine books are now both printable and digital. You can print each student a copy. Teach the routine using the visual cues on paint sticks. Then have students return to their seats to sequence the routine they just practiced.
The digital portion can be used on google slides. The teacher can edit the routine to include the needed visuals. The teacher can display the routine on the white board and complete it as a group.
If students are doing distance learning, they can practice the routine at school and then sequence it at home for review. This would also be great to send home before returning to school as a review.
Remember to also take data on routines during those first 10 days until every student is nearing mastery!
You can download the routines resource here!
You can download The First 10 Days (this includes the routines!) here.