I’m so excited to share what I’ve been up to this month in my Autism classroom! We have been so busy prepping some FANTASTIC new life skills resources and getting our seasonal resources ready to go…. next year will be so easy once all the adapted books for the year are PREPPED, stored and ready to go!
Make sure you read to the end to grab an exclusive FREEBIE!
This month we started up our NEW cooking through the year units. I had been crazily planning cooking lessons, pulling different resources, making recipes, and deciding on ingredients for our weekly cooking block and it was TAKING OVER MY LIFE! So I created this resource to make it easy for you all! Just print off the recipes, ingredient list, and worksheets to go along with it and you are ready to go! With 4 recipes a month and 48 for the year you have one more thing to check off your list instantly. Grab it HERE at a discount!
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how AMAZING this resource is. There is nothing like it out there to grab the attention of the child, and allow them to actively answer comprehension questions with more independence. This resource has been amazing for my lower students this year!
These Boardmaker vocabulary units are packed with activities to guide your vocabulary instruction each month. From word wall cards, flash cards, to picture match binders and word match binders all the way to bingo your students will be generalizing these words before you know it. The best part is the consistency between these monthly units throughout the whole year!
These adapted books are perfect for your students to review things that happen throughout the month of February! Some books contain 2 levels, sequencing, or counting pages as well! Even touch on history with Groundhog day and Martin Luther King Jr.
Now for my favorite freebie! I LOVE these ten frame counting pages. I love to use candies with my students ( what better motivator than candy) but you could use beads, or playdough if you can’t use food at your school!
Grab the freebie here: February Freebie !
Hope your February is going smoothly! March is a TOUGH month with not a lot of holidays and no days off… I plan to jam pack it with motivating and engaging activities, rather than get in a teacher slump! Who’s with me?!