The last 10 days of school was always the WORST for me. You look on Instagram and see all of the fun activities going on, but you know that with your class, it is hard to change up the schedule. At this time of year there are lots of other stressors too: packing up, getting ready for ESY, paperwork, cleaning.. the list goes on. All of this makes it so hard to plan!
So, I created “The Last 10 Days“. It is 2 weeks of activities fully planned, and enough to fill each day (and MORE). Some teachers are using these activities for ESY too!
With everything planned out, you feel more in control. The lessons are routine. Each day the students do the same type of activities around a certain theme. The students can count down the days and cross off activities on the plan. Many days are packed full of activities, so you could even give your class choices on which activity to complete.
Each activity really puts the power into the hands of the students. There are choices embedded, communication opportunities, visuals, visual directions and recipes. All of the worksheets are of similar structure to many other activities of mine that your students might have already been doing in your classroom. Social stories to prepare students for the end of school and summer are also included.
There are so many memory books available to teachers. But this memory book talks about the activity you are CURRENTLY doing that day, because recalling the entire school year is difficult for our students. The memory book can be completed by writing, selecting picture choices, or using a communication device. You can use magazines or real pictures, or even have the students draw. There is something for every level.
Lots of the activities included are very interactive. I would boost your class up by saying the last 10 days are all fun and make a schedule with each activity on the board for them to look forward to.
Many of the activities are themed, but target many areas. Following directions, multi sensory, colors, shapes, etc. You can pair books with each theme as well. (and even play them read aloud on you tube so you can have time to prep the activities!)
Cooking activities are another great way to get everyone involved. You can include your speech therapist, OT, PT, or even same age peers for this activity! Everyone loves to cook- and everyone has to at least try it!
Sensory activities based on the themes is a great “reward” for after more academic work is completed. You can spend one day making the sand and then you can use it every day for the rest of the year!
Ice painting is such a great sensory activity- and the results are actually beautiful! I would totally frame these if they were my kid!
The social story of the day is a great way to introduce the end of the year, losing teaching and friends, summer school, and activities they may do with their families over the summer. I will also print and include social stories that I see fit for each student in their end of year summer bags (stay tuned!) Parents find this super helpful!
There are also academic activities included in each day. Each activity has a variety of visuals and is differentiated, so all of your students can be doing the activity at the same time- but at their level!
You can grab the plans for the last ten days: here.
I hope that you have gotten some amazing ideas from this post- please remember to tag your Instagram posts #Last10Days and tag me in the photo so I can see what you are up to!