How important are your paraprofessionals and teacher aides? Let me guess? VERY! We could not run our classrooms without them. They are a core part of our schools and classrooms and we should show appreciation every chance we get!
There are certain times of the year for “Paraprofessional Appreciation” and “Teacher Appreciation”. Although, I usually don’t have it all together in time to remember specific days. So when teachers appreciation rolls around, I like to surprise my aides with something special. (don’t miss the freebie at the end!)
First off I think everyone LOVES fun pens and markers. So that is pretty much a given. I like to buy BIG sets like this one from amazon (affiliate link) and break them up into cute little bundles. {Ribbon from Target, 2.99}
So that looks good and all, but what’s a gift without a cute tag? Am I right?
Lucky for you, this free set has allllll the tags for ALL the people you love in your work life.
Other ways to celebrate those who support your students EVERY DAY:
- Leave a post it note with a compliment
- Thank them for going above and beyond
- Bring coffee and donuts once a month
- Plan an after school hang out to boost morale and encourage community ( think: BOWLING)
- Email administration and let them know your team rocks!
But for teacher appreciation, I like to think the cuter the better! ALSO- bright colors, because bright colors make people happy, right?
Of course, you can add a gift card or even make it fun and leave a gift in their spot for every day of teacher appreciation week. The small gesture goes a long way. Celebrating those who love and support you and your students all year long is so important!
Here’s a few ideas of what you can attach the tags to:
- Target Dollar Spot Mug
- Highlighters
- Flair Pens
- Sharpies (I’m a sharpie not a flair pen girl!)
- Hand Soaps (ones pictured are Target Method brand, cause of the fun bright colors!)
- Hand sanitizer
- Gift cards (think starbucks and dunkin’ Donuts because #TeachersLoveCoffee)
Soap below is a 6 pack- perfect for your staff! (affiliate links below)
Grab your tags here for FREE! <—————–
This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my amazon links, which helps to support the blog. All opinions on this blog are my own and I only promote brands and products that I truly love and believe in.