If your class is anything like mine, you are constantly modifying and searching high and low for age appropriate on level curriculum. You probably spend most of your time searching for math and ELA, and science is often forgotten. I know in my class it was.
NOT ANYMORE. I started created the simple science curriculum in 2017 and it has been a best selling resource ever since!
The simple science curriculum includes Simple Science Comprehension, Simple Science Adapted Book Bundle, Simple Science File Folders, and supplemental Simple Science Experiments. All of the units focus on the same 6 topics. Matter, Simple Machines, Living/Nonliving, Hot or Cold, Planets, and Five Senses.
Each adapted books works on the sight word vocabulary for each topic, picture matching or matching picture to word. This built in differentiation works for every level in your classroom. For higher students, you can use the book as a reference guide for writing about the topic, while lower students can work on mastering matching and identifying words. The velcro pieces make it easy for students who are non-writers and have difficulty managing small pieces.
These file folders focus on the same 6 topics as the adapted books, but include 2 levels of folders for each. One level focuses on matching picture to picture, which gets your lower level students interacting with the material and becoming familiar with the language and images, the 2nd level focuses on matching picture to word, mastering vocabulary and building independence.
These comprehension sheets have really made this curriculum complete. It’s perfect to get higher level kids really interacting with text, making inferences, an using what they learned in the lessons to answer. It comes with 3 levels of passages and 3 levels of worksheets for each passage. The levels accommodate full sentence writers, beginning writers, and non writers with the picture comprehension option!
The fun stuff. We do a science experiment a week to reinforce topics, or just have some fun! We love talking about WHY the experiment worked or didn’t worked, listing our ingredients, and deciding what we need! This is even a reward for some kids!
This curriculum is seriously life changing, requires VERY little prep if you get the file folders and books ready to go before the school year, and will keep your kids ENGAGED learning grade level topics at their level.
Grab the Simple Science Curriculum Here on SSE Shop.
Grab the Simple Science Curriculum Here on TPT.
Want to build your resource library for free? Grab a free task box- real picture matching vegetables here!
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[…] you been able to check out my Simple Science curriculum? I can’t wait to show you what’s in store for Simple Life Skills this […]