If you are working in a special education classroom, you know that behavior visuals are a MUST HAVE.
Sped teachers and therapists sped a ton of time creating unique visuals that are very specific to each student… but some visuals ARE GENERAL… and CAN WORK for everyone… so why waste time remaking those every time?
Some of my favorite behavior visuals are clean, simple, and to the point. They address a behavior, support a skill, promote positive interactions, and build student independence… what more can you ask for.
Starting a behavior visual library in an easy to grab place in your classroom is a great way to have access to supports that can benefit your students at a moments notice.
This “I Feel” visual is as simple as it gets. Sometimes students don’t have the words to express how they are feeling, which can lead to frustration and intense behaviors. This visual gives visual cues, color cues, and words… all promoting the student having a voice to report how he or she feels.
These visuals are for students a bit higher than the one that needs the “I feel visual”. It not only identifies how the student is feeling… but what they can do about that emotion. Giving options helps them to ask for what they need.
Ah, these are definitely some of my favorites.
The size of the problem visual is one I would use DAILY. Some students have irrational reactions to things that happen throughout the day. Helping them identify appropriate ways to respond to a situation is a big life skill! Fading this visual is always the goal… but a lot of time the language remains the same.
The “I need” visual is another perfect visual for students who are having trouble vocalizing. For a student who cries a lot, it is sometimes difficult to decipher what their need is at that time. This visual assists them in doing just that.
A lot of classroom rules are just too long winded. These keep it short, sweet, to the point… AND when you really think about it. They apply to every situation. These are all you need for rules. Some students benefit from rules sitting on their desk or carrying them around the school for visual reminders.
The breaks visual is not only a motivator to finish work, but contained 4 breaks that support physical, mental, and emotional needs. These are the type of breaks our students need most!
This turn taking visual is a HUGE help for group work, rewards, wait time, cooking, games, recess, and so much more. Teaching waiting your turn can be a HUGE struggle. But a visual that shows who’s turn it is puts everything in perspective.
I think everyone knows a student who needs a voice meter! This helps students recognize the proper volume for certain situations. It also gives adults something to point to in order to prepare students for something like an assembly… as you walk in show your students the no talking visual to prepare them to be quiet for the show.
The make good choices and ready to learn visuals are perfect for supporting students who are entering a tough situation. If you know a situation is a trigger for a student you can review one of these visuals to support them BEFORE problem behavior occurs.
You can download all of these visuals in one set here!
+ Do not ONLY bring out visuals when problem behavior occurs. It is important to proactively use the visuals to support students instead of making the visual become a trigger.