I have been working ALL summer to finish part one of my simple math curriculum! I am so happy to say that it has finally been released! (& at a short time discount!)
After years of working to modify curriculum to meet the needs of my kids who need to be taught with direct instruction, I have finally got it right for the first 7 topics! I hope you enjoy these units that are available separately, and as a bundle (larger discount). These skills are all needed for beginning math instruction, and are directly taught, with little on each page to distract.
How do I store ALL OF THIS? This bundle has over 600 pages, and has a TON of information! I like to keep each unit in a separate binder. You can use post its to mark where each student left off as you make copies for weekly math folders.
You can also laminate or put pages in page protectors and have kids work through like a workbook with a dry erase marker at their own pace.
There is no particular order for success, start where your students are, and move on as appropriate. Have students repeat worksheets if they are not generalizing the skill on generalization pages.
Keep in mind that each number, letter, and word is directly taught on separate pages. We aren’t teaching numbers 1-10 all at once! Perfect for your kids that strive with discrete trial teaching or direct instruction. With 6 pages for each skill, you can easily repeat these pages as the skill is becoming mastered.
The seven units included in this curriculum are targeted towards beginning math learners- but the binders are appropriate for students of all ages from pre school to high school! Work on the skills your students need, with appropriate materials!
This curriculum is going to make a huge difference with my lower level students this year, and I can’t wait to build on even more skills as the year goes on. Any requests? Leave them in the comments!
Have you been able to check out my Simple Science curriculum? I can’t wait to show you what’s in store for Simple Life Skills this September!
I bought this today and am excited to use this in my classroom this year. You said this is the first part? Am I to assume more will be added at a later date? I really appreciate all the time and effort that goes into creating material that is so relevant to our students in self-contained settings. Thank YOU!! Looking forward to more of this in the future, I will definitely be needing it!
I love all of your materials!! You make my job a little easier 🙂
Thanks for all that you do!